Field of Study: | Environmental Science Natural Resources/Conservation, General
Description: | Environmental science (EVS) is the interdisciplinary study of the environment, its functioning and its relationship to human activities. Society has a growing need for specialists able to recognize, understand, solve and prevent environmental problems. The environmental science program, offered through the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, focuses on the integration of traditional science disciplines (e.g. biology, earth sciences, chemistry, physics) to study the natural environment and the impact of human activities. The program consists of a core of basic science courses complemented by courses in various disciplines that address the scientific and societal aspects of environmental problems. Within this program, you must select among three areas of specialization: conservation and biodiversity; global change; and environmental geochemistry and ecotoxicology. The final year entails an independent research project or equivalent units in advanced courses in the student’s specialization.
The EVS program is accredited by ECO Canada, the national organization whose mission is to promote the competence and the excellence of academic programs, the environmental careers, and recognition of the professional expertise of environment workers. “ECO Canada provides resources to help individuals learn about, train for, and find environmental careers.” This additional asset to the EVS program will help you plan an exciting career after your graduation. |